Sunday, September 26, 2010


I swimmed into past.
How long it will last?

I had choosen a way.
I had nothing to say.
Fighting to me ,by myself.
Deteriorating per day.

I was fed up with that.
wanted to decrease,
Trojan, a layer fat.

But Now

I am living in present.
Without any past scent.
Walls of my heart,
With karma, Have a paint.

I dont think too much.
Attitude changed,
My heart, in my clutch.

I dont know,
Whether I have succeed.
But i am bit confident,
With my every deed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Mother

It was almost midnight.
I got vision, a sight.

I saw myself crumbled,
by a crosswind.
Breathing high, feared.

Place was strange.
Dark and unknown.
Wanted to swallow, a revenge.

Running recklessly,
I saw her.
& everything diminished,
along with my fear.

I tight hugged her.
Still scare.

She smiled--
"Without any clue,
  I will be with you."

Thursday, September 16, 2010


When i see,
deep inside me.
I see a boy,bounded.
locked in the room,
With no mercy.

Suffocation was high,
He wanted to cry,
Once he overexpressed,
Gradually became shy.

He unlocked the room.
Came into existence
& tried to destroy the gloom.

He was alone,
Roads were broken,hazard.
Destiny was waiting.
He was in dilemna,
He himself was creating.

It was not what he wanted.
He left,
what he was granted.

He went again,
to that room.
Locked the door,
with reminders of
rain and the shore.